I think this photo works because the frames of the sun-glasses are man-made and they frame the focal point of the picture which is the flower. It also has a sense of depth with the blur in the background.
This photo works because the pot it is inside frames the VW symbol inside, and also the dots lead your eye to look towards the symbol.
This photo works because the V-shape of the tree branches frame the skater(me) while I'm doing a toe side check down the hill.
This photo works as a architectural photo because the pipe attached to the building frames the bush very well and leads your eye straight towards to it. Plus also the light compliments the picture well.
This picture works well because the hole in the gate frames the subject very well and draws your eye straight towards the subject which is the person in the picture.
The most challenging part of the this assignment was trying to distinguish the differences of different types of frames used on pictures.